
Slides of the Q9 workshop are now available online

Dear friends,

Thanks to those coming to my virtual workshop yesterday on Q9 the Chinese Input System, I think we had a very successful workshop, with participants from Hong Kong, New Jersey, as well as Florida.

The slides of the workshop are now available online. I built a lot of animation into the slides that they are almost self-explanatory. If interested, check them out:


Clement Lee
New Jersey
May 18, 2008


九方家課區 Q9 Homework Submission Zone

Dear students of Chinese Heritage School, please leave me a comment below with the following content:

Option A: Write a standard message
張小明 (your name):進修班 (your class):

Option B: Write your own message
張小明 (your name):進修班 (your class):
Plus any Chinese message of your choice with no less than 20 Chinese characters (not including your name and your class).

If you do not have Q9 installed on your computer, you can use the Q9 on http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com (Remember to select the 字型 input method)

The PPS file of the course is available here:



Clement 網上開班教九方輸入法

My dear friends,

Many of you probably know that I am a fan of Q9 the Chinese input method 九方輸入法 (besides being a fan of RTHK, PBS, NPR, TiVo, J.S. Bach, …). I think it is a godsend to Hong Kong people. It is particularly suitable for most of us because we normally do not do pinyin 拼音 nor bo po mo fo 注音, nor are us professional typists who can afford the time for a dedicated training to master other Chinese input methods, such as Cang Jie 倉頡 (which is painfully difficult to master).

Q9 literally has changed my life, since I learned it’s basics in 15 minutes in 2004. If you know how often now I email, blog, and facebook in Chinese, you will know what I mean. I am so happy with Q9 that I often recommend it to my friends in Hong Kong. I even held a few Q9 workshops in various occasions in Hong Kong and in New Jersey.

This is the first time I try to hold such a workshop virtually (on the Internet), via the service of GotoMeeting.com If you have not yet mastered any Chinese input methods, and you are interested to learn Q9, please check out the following details about this virtual meeting. (Note, see my comments on hand-writing board below.)

The workshop will be conducted in Cantonese. The workshop is free, of course. I am doing it just for fun. Disclaimer: I receive absolutely no commission from Q9. I just think Q9 is a great piece of software for my friends from Hong Kong.

Date/Time: May 18 Sunday 11:00 am – noon Hong Kong Time

(May 17 Sat 11:00 pm-midnight US Eastern Daylight Saving Time)

Place: virtually, on the web, in your home, through your computer and telephone

How to join

  1. Reply this email to register telling me that you want to register (I will send you an acknowledgement email)
  2. On the scheduled meeting time, call this USA phone number (note: you will have to pay for the long-distance call fee, but it should cheap these days) +1-(605) 990-0010; when prompted (in English), please press the following access code (216-730-101) with the numeric buttons on your phone.
  3. Point your web browser to this address https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/216730101, when prompted, please enter the following meeting password: behappy

During the virtual meeting, you will be able to see my desktop on which I will show the Q9 demo. At the end, I will also teach you how to try out Q9 for free – by using the online service of hk.dictionary.yahoo.com (but of course if you really want to use it on a regular basis, you can buy a copy of Q9: the download version is HK$ 250 or USD 32, the CDROM version is HK$ 350. )

For enquiry, please feel free to contact me at mailto: leeyuiwah@hknet.com

For background information of this virtual workshop series, you can check out a blog article of mine http://leeyuiwah.blogspot.com/2008/04/blog-post_05.html

For more info about the software, visit Q9’s official website: http://q9tech.com/

I hope you will find the workshop useful – it may change your life too!

Clement Lee 李銳華

New Jersey


P.S. I still think Q9 is superior to the hand-writing board, which is very slow. For example, if I have to write my Chinese name, I will have to write 7+14+12 strokes altogether, and I need to pray that the software can recognize my handwriting the first time I write my words, or I will have to retry, which means more strokes. In contrast, with Q9 I only need to type 4+5+4 keys and the computer almost always get the words correctly. Q9 also supports “associative suggestion” 聯想字, so it can sometimes guess your next Chinese word based on the current word. E.g. often leads to 文、國、心、央 etc. This can speed up your typing further. Also, if you forget how to write a certain word, but you still remember its sound, you can find words from their homophones 同音字 (words of the same sound). Basically, I think Q9 solves the practical need of input Chinese for most people from Hong Kong, and its speed is decent.


近期文章節錄(2008 年 4 月 27 日)


【原載於香港經濟日報(2008 年 4 月 26 日)。本版本為 1.1 網上修訂版,與原來《香港經濟日報》上的附印版略有不同,敬請留意。】

感謝毓民(黃毓民先生)四月十三日(2008年)在太陽報提出問題:「撐港台所為何事?」相信道出了一些人士的心聲,這其中包括了一些相信新聞自由的進步人士。這些人士原來應該會是香港電台的支持者,但可能為了有著與毓民相近的疑問,因而對撐港台的行動有所遲疑。小弟不才,試以一點粗淺的個人意見回答毓民的問題。... (全文見此)



筆者去年(2007 年)有幸參與一個教育考察活動,在中國的大西北——甘肅、青海、和新疆拜訪了一些學校,小學、中學、大專院校都有。



狂熱愛國主義的基礎是民族主義,當漢人能怒對洋人加之於我中華民族的欺侮時,我們能不能又去思考一下我們漢人對維吾爾族、藏族、和其他少數族裔實施著怎樣的政策?他們若同樣地舉起民族主義的大旗,對我們怒目而視,我們又能否理解事出何因呢? (全文見此)



北京奧運聖火在巴黎遭遇抗議,五度熄火。有網民深深不憤,認為是「法國有心策劃破壞中國舉行奧運的邪惡行為。 這樣的行為和直接開戰根本沒兩樣, 所以中國應該和法國斷絕外交關係。」這樣的呼籲,竟然可以得到不少網民的響應。在 Uwants.com 的討論區上的投票結果,到目前(香港時間 2008 年 4 月 11 日正午)為止是 72 票贊成, 44 你票反對。

這 使筆者想起 2003 年時,美國布殊政府醞釀攻打伊拉克,法國是其中一個最旗幟鮮明反對這場不義戰爭的國家(中國也不贊成,但中國較為低調)。結果激起美國內部的廉價愛國主義 者發起反法國行動。其中最搞笑的,是美國國會的餐廳,把薯條的英文名字 French Fries也改為 Freedom Fries 以示劃清界線云云。 ... (全文見此



作為中國人的我好矛盾 ... 好想國家成功辦好奧運,但面對不公義的事又不能視若無睹。... (全文見此)



[ 網主按:本文最末有聲援胡佳的網上聯署及聲援人權的「橙色奧運」的連結。請廣傳。「莫以善小而不為,莫以惡小而為之。」 謝謝! ]

轉載自《曾金燕 了了園》


当 年竞争奥运主办城市时,北京输给悉尼,胡佳流泪了。现在中华民族终于能举办奥运会了,胡佳很高兴,但他不希望这是践踏人权的奥运,不希望是建立在无权无势 的小老百姓痛苦上的奥运,他希望是真正荣耀中华的奥运,所以他一次又一次地批评贪官污吏,提醒当局改善人权,他却因此身陷大牢,我又痛心又失望。...




十九世紀的歐洲知識分子,有一個辦「沙龍」(Salon) 的傳統。文人、雅士、藝術家、政治家等,會不時聚首一堂,或分享文化、藝術、科學成就的心得,或月旦時事。既優雅,又有用,一直是筆者仰慕的傳統。 ... (全文見此)



—— 從裸照風波反思香港的文化特質




一時間,才子名嘴們彷彿在進行罵人比賽,競相找出最尖酸刻薄的金句,灑在受害人身上。而讀者們看到之後,又擊節讚賞,互相轉寄、連結,奔走相告。... (全文見此)



不經不覺,本月 3 月 28 日,就是「疑似殺港台」報告書發表一週年之日。 ...

又曾幾何時,香港還有一個李國章暨羅范椒芬對教育界的故事,它說明了香港雖然並沒有民主,但並不就見得政府可以事事「霸王硬上弓」的。而且,逆民意行事的 巨人哥利亞,還會被小不點的大衛所扳倒呢。政府與其施打壓、惹猜忌、增敵對,倒不如釋出善意,讓大家都可以休養生息,積極地共建美好的香港。曾蔭權是個聰 明人,想信他會明白這個道理吧! (全文見此)