
魚翅及撐港台運動 Facebook 專頁故障啟事 Sevice Notice

Please scroll down for the English version.

【 2010 年十月十七日】 由於本人 Facebook 帳戶的某些技術問題(請見另文)。本人管理的專頁(包括以下)被暫時停止服務。本人正在與 Facebook 進行手續,以便及早能重開這些專頁(以及本人的帳戶)。有所不便,敬請原諒。各方垂詢,感激不盡,銘記於心。同仁請繼續努力,讓明天更美好!謝謝!

  • 魚翅婚宴。人情七折 Cut gift money for shark fin banquets (two groups and a page)
  • 請曾特首在施政報告中暫絕魚翅 Please say no to shark fin soup in your CE policy address
  • 但願春茗無魚翅 No shark fin soup in our company banquets, please
  • 「撐港台運動」專頁 SaveRTHK Campaign Community Page
  • 我撐頭條新聞;要求立法保障獨立公共廣播
另外,「但願春茗無魚翅」登記網頁 (Google Form) 和查看結果網頁仍然運作正常。各位請繼續踴躍登記。

登記網頁: http://bit.ly/NoSharkFinCompanyBanquets
查看結果: http://bit.ly/ResultNoSharkFinCompanyBanquets

Service notice about these shark-fin-soup and SaveRTHK facebook pages:

[ October 17th, 2010] Due to some technical issues with my Facebook account (c.f. another blog about this incident), all facebook pages that I solely administer, including the above, are now disabled. I am now in the process of getting these pages (and my Facebook account) re-enabled.

Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience incurred. I am deeply indebted for all the kind and concerned inquires about this incident. Let's keep up our work for a better tomorrow. Thank you very much!

On the other hand, the registration page (Google Form) for the campaign "No shark fin soup in our company banquets, please" as well as the result page are still working properly and are not affected by the above outage. Please keep adding your company's name to the said registration page.

Registration Page: http://bit.ly/NoSharkFinCompanyBanquets
Result Page: http://bit.ly/ResultNoSharkFinCompanyBanquets
