魚翅公務宴會舉報網站 Business Shark-Fin Banquet Reporting Site
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The website "Business Shark-Fin Banquet Reporting Site" is now up. Please click this link to enter.
舉報結果:統計分析 | 列表 (Google Spreadsheet)
Report Result: Summary | Table (Google Spreadsheet)
香港《文匯報》於2010 年 4 月 19 日發表社評《圍攻式的城市論壇應否繼續?》,茲簡評如下。
香港親共的「左派」陣營,在 1967 年發動暴動,導致 51 人死亡,超過 800 人受傷。當年遍地「菠蘿」(土製炸彈、手榴彈)的景像,並不會因為其領導人楊光,在回歸後神奇地獲得大紫荆勳章,而會在香港人的集體回憶中磨滅的。而香港人,其中特別包括有份發動這場暴動的人及其傳人,理應深切了解,是甚麼的土壤才會引起這樣的動亂──就是高壓的統治。沒有苛政在先,再喪心病狂的暴徒,也不可能搞起一場動亂。這也是為何殖民地港英政府其後改行較開放及改良的社會政策的原因,而香港也是在汲取了血的教訓後,才慢慢地發展成一個開放型的國際大都會。
── 完──
按:有用 facebook 的讀者可 like ( 喜歡 ) 此 community page: http://bit.ly/9JMBTQ
香港親共的「左派」陣營,在 1967 年發動暴動,導致 51 人死亡,超過 800 人受傷。當年遍地「菠蘿」(土製炸彈、手榴彈)的景像,並不會因為其領導人楊光,在回歸後神奇地獲得大紫荆勳章,而會在香港人的集體回憶中磨滅的。而香港人,其中特別包括有份發動這場暴動的人及其傳人,理應深切了解,是甚麼的土壤才會引起這樣的動亂──就是高壓的統治。沒有苛政在先,再喪心病狂的暴徒,也不可能搞起一場動亂。這也是為何殖民地港英政府其後改行較開放及改良的社會政策的原因,而香港也是在汲取了血的教訓後,才慢慢地發展成一個開放型的國際大都會。
── 完──
按:有用 facebook 的讀者可 like ( 喜歡 ) 此 community page: http://bit.ly/9JMBTQ
An open letter to the Hawaii State Legislature
Hawaii State Legislature
State Capitol Building
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Re: S.B. No. 2169, Relating to Shark Fins
Dear Members of the Hawaii State Legislature,
I grew up in Hong Kong and speak Chinese as my mother tongue. I would like to testify that shark fin soup, while a common dish served in some formal banquets, does not necessarily equate to the Chinese culture and tradition. In fact, in China we also treasure the virtue of frugality, and we respect life, food, and nature. And the cruel practice of shark finning (cutting fins off a shark alive and then throwing the shark back to the ocean letting it die a horrible death) is clearly at odds with our traditional values.
In Hong Kong the public are getting more and more aware of the ugly truth behind shark fin soup, and the distaste against it is simply getting stronger and stronger day by day.
Recently I started a local campaign in Hong Kong encouraging banquet goers to cut back their "gift money" to the hosts -- by 30% -- if shark fin soup is served in the banquet. The idea is that banquet goers are the true (or major) financiers of each banquet, and they should be empowered to say "no" to shark fin soup when the host may still be saying "yes". The campaign has been receiving overwhelming support. I started the campaign as a facebook group (and later a community page) [1]. Within ~15 days, and simply by word of mouth (and latter some media coverage [2] [3]) the facebook community has grown to 15,000+ members [4].
This shows that there is a very strong sentiment against shark finning -- even in Hong Kong the world center of shark fin trade.
I would like to applaud recent efforts of the Hawaiian Legislature to pass a bill to protect sharks by prohibiting the possession, sale, and trade of shark fins. I think they demonstrate to the world that Hawaii is a leader in this cause. Back to my home town of Hong Kong, I hope these efforts will set up positive examples for Hong Kong to follow. I personally have been lobbying my friends in the Legislative Council of Hong Kong to take up the issue and enact similar bills in Hong Kong.
Best Regards,
Yui-Wah (Clement) Lee 李銳華
Creator of a Hong Kong campaign
"Cut gift money for shark fin banquet"
[1] Facebook community page: "Cut gift money for shark fin banquets" http://bit.ly/9CHTcF
[2] The Standard (Hong Kong) Apr 7, 2010 "Shark's fin campaign hits newlyweds where it hurts" http://bit.ly/adsrho
[3] CNN Go (Asia) Apr 7, 2010 "Very hot Facebook group: 'Cut gift money for shark fin banquets'" http://bit.ly/aTzUDO
[4] Latest supporter numbers, "Cut gift money for shark fin banquets" (running update) http://bit.ly/apViGr
State Capitol Building
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Re: S.B. No. 2169, Relating to Shark Fins
Dear Members of the Hawaii State Legislature,
I grew up in Hong Kong and speak Chinese as my mother tongue. I would like to testify that shark fin soup, while a common dish served in some formal banquets, does not necessarily equate to the Chinese culture and tradition. In fact, in China we also treasure the virtue of frugality, and we respect life, food, and nature. And the cruel practice of shark finning (cutting fins off a shark alive and then throwing the shark back to the ocean letting it die a horrible death) is clearly at odds with our traditional values.
In Hong Kong the public are getting more and more aware of the ugly truth behind shark fin soup, and the distaste against it is simply getting stronger and stronger day by day.
Recently I started a local campaign in Hong Kong encouraging banquet goers to cut back their "gift money" to the hosts -- by 30% -- if shark fin soup is served in the banquet. The idea is that banquet goers are the true (or major) financiers of each banquet, and they should be empowered to say "no" to shark fin soup when the host may still be saying "yes". The campaign has been receiving overwhelming support. I started the campaign as a facebook group (and later a community page) [1]. Within ~15 days, and simply by word of mouth (and latter some media coverage [2] [3]) the facebook community has grown to 15,000+ members [4].
This shows that there is a very strong sentiment against shark finning -- even in Hong Kong the world center of shark fin trade.
I would like to applaud recent efforts of the Hawaiian Legislature to pass a bill to protect sharks by prohibiting the possession, sale, and trade of shark fins. I think they demonstrate to the world that Hawaii is a leader in this cause. Back to my home town of Hong Kong, I hope these efforts will set up positive examples for Hong Kong to follow. I personally have been lobbying my friends in the Legislative Council of Hong Kong to take up the issue and enact similar bills in Hong Kong.
Best Regards,
Yui-Wah (Clement) Lee 李銳華
Creator of a Hong Kong campaign
"Cut gift money for shark fin banquet"
[1] Facebook community page: "Cut gift money for shark fin banquets" http://bit.ly/9CHTcF
[2] The Standard (Hong Kong) Apr 7, 2010 "Shark's fin campaign hits newlyweds where it hurts" http://bit.ly/adsrho
[3] CNN Go (Asia) Apr 7, 2010 "Very hot Facebook group: 'Cut gift money for shark fin banquets'" http://bit.ly/aTzUDO
[4] Latest supporter numbers, "Cut gift money for shark fin banquets" (running update) http://bit.ly/apViGr
39 秒鐘;一條問題
只想請各位花39 秒鐘觀看一下以下片段:
Please spend 39 seconds and watch the following video:
(YouTube - Shark finning in Costa Rica http://bit.ly/aLo3uh)
And then think about this question:
"Can I do something about this?"
-- 完 --
Please spend 39 seconds and watch the following video:
(YouTube - Shark finning in Costa Rica http://bit.ly/aLo3uh)
And then think about this question:
"Can I do something about this?"
-- 完 --
最新支持者數字(滾動式報告) 現在已經搬家至 http://bit.ly/cgmLatestNumbers。各位請移玉步。
The latest supporter numbers have been moved to here http://bit.ly/cgmLatestNumbers See you there!
The latest supporter numbers have been moved to here http://bit.ly/cgmLatestNumbers See you there!
前幾天 (2010-04-06) 上了香港電台的節目《千禧年代》接受訪問 (訪問在 約 8:40 - 9:00 am 之間進行)。節目中主持人之一周融先生問我「魚翅婚宴。人情七折」在實際層面可以怎樣操作。我想,視乎不同人之間的人際關係,是有很多種不同的操作方法的吧?!以下謹舉兩個例子,供大家參考。
阿沙: 阿寶,我下個月結婚啦。你一定要嚟飲一杯呀!
阿寶: 嘩!又嚟一粒「粉紅色炸彈」!不過見係你,無計啦。幾號先?。。。
阿沙: 十號。。。
阿寶: 話時話啦。我支持環保o架,你會唔會支持環保搞個「無翅婚宴」先?
阿沙: 我早知你會講呢樣架嘞。「魚翅婚宴。人情七折」呀嘛。。。
例二: 新人(雯雯和明)與長輩
雯雯: 老爺奶奶,我地擺酒不如唔好落魚翅咯。
長輩: 點得呀?!無魚翅會失禮人客架。。。
明: 唔係呀,阿爸阿媽。宜家有魚翅先至會失禮人呀。您哋有冇聽過「魚翅婚宴。人情七折」。好多人都唔鍾意菜單上有魚翅,重話要人情打折添呀!
長輩: 。。。
雯雯: 係呀。宜家好多鯊魚俾我地食到就嚟絶種啦。您哋都唔想第日要同啲孫講,話海洋裏已經冇哂鯊魚,係因為以前我哋將佢哋食哂。
長輩: 。。。
明: 而且,因為鯊魚淨係魚翅值錢,啲漁民好多時用啲好殘忍嘅手法。例如將鯊魚鰭監生切落嚟,再將條鯊魚生勾勾推番落海,由佢自生自滅。報紙都有賣啦。。。。您唔信,我播條片您哋睇嘞。。。呢個同我地中國人講究節儉嘅美德有相違背噃。。。
長輩: 好啦,好啦。你哋啲後生話事啦!
雯雯: 老爺奶奶,我哋請柬會寫明係「無翅婚宴」,到時係宴會上再揾司儀解釋,一定會做得好好睇睇嘅。
長輩: 我哋都希望第時個孫唔會以為鯊魚只係傳說中的動物。。。
-- 完 --
阿沙: 阿寶,我下個月結婚啦。你一定要嚟飲一杯呀!
阿寶: 嘩!又嚟一粒「粉紅色炸彈」!不過見係你,無計啦。幾號先?。。。
阿沙: 十號。。。
阿寶: 話時話啦。我支持環保o架,你會唔會支持環保搞個「無翅婚宴」先?
阿沙: 我早知你會講呢樣架嘞。「魚翅婚宴。人情七折」呀嘛。。。
例二: 新人(雯雯和明)與長輩
雯雯: 老爺奶奶,我地擺酒不如唔好落魚翅咯。
長輩: 點得呀?!無魚翅會失禮人客架。。。
明: 唔係呀,阿爸阿媽。宜家有魚翅先至會失禮人呀。您哋有冇聽過「魚翅婚宴。人情七折」。好多人都唔鍾意菜單上有魚翅,重話要人情打折添呀!
長輩: 。。。
雯雯: 係呀。宜家好多鯊魚俾我地食到就嚟絶種啦。您哋都唔想第日要同啲孫講,話海洋裏已經冇哂鯊魚,係因為以前我哋將佢哋食哂。
長輩: 。。。
明: 而且,因為鯊魚淨係魚翅值錢,啲漁民好多時用啲好殘忍嘅手法。例如將鯊魚鰭監生切落嚟,再將條鯊魚生勾勾推番落海,由佢自生自滅。報紙都有賣啦。。。。您唔信,我播條片您哋睇嘞。。。呢個同我地中國人講究節儉嘅美德有相違背噃。。。
長輩: 好啦,好啦。你哋啲後生話事啦!
雯雯: 老爺奶奶,我哋請柬會寫明係「無翅婚宴」,到時係宴會上再揾司儀解釋,一定會做得好好睇睇嘅。
長輩: 我哋都希望第時個孫唔會以為鯊魚只係傳說中的動物。。。
-- 完 --
0。參加「魚翅婚宴。七折人情」facebook 群組。向社會表明,不是「宴會上無魚翅會失禮人客」;相反,是「宴會上有魚翅才會失禮人客」。
1。寄宣傳單張給新人。名單可以如婚紗店般以婚姻注册處的公佈編取。傳單以「魚翅背後的真相」和「魚翅婚宴。七折人情」為主題(見下列圖片及 YouTube 片段)。在主人家訂菜式前發揮影響力。
2。請各位注意身邊的大機構,在公務宴會上(春茗,週年宴會等)有沒有停用魚翅作菜式。如無停用的話,我們用 Google Doc 在網上羅列出來。這樣可以對各機構主其事者做成壓力。(按:有多間大機構如香港大學﹑恒生銀行等已承諾公務宴上不會用魚翅 ) 再按: 此議已實現,請訪問 魚翅公務宴會舉報網站
3。 派人向飲食業游說,籌組「飲食業護鯊立場書」,承諾在人客訂宴會菜單時,會主動提議魚翅替代品,供客人選擇(注意,不是承諾完全停用魚翅--在這階段這仍是過份前衛了一些)。 按: 此議已經由 WWF-HK 實現。見 連結
4。 向立法會議員及政府游說,開始徵收魚翅稅,由 10% 起,分五年提高至 200%,五年後完全禁止魚翅進口。
5。 向中華廚藝學院或蘇絲黄等游說,舉辦「無翅靚湯料理鐵人大賽」,推廣魚翅替代品。
如實行的話,將要有朋友幫忙。有興趣的朋友可與我聯絡。 Email: leeyuiwah AT hknet DOT com

1。寄宣傳單張給新人。名單可以如婚紗店般以婚姻注册處的公佈編取。傳單以「魚翅背後的真相」和「魚翅婚宴。七折人情」為主題(見下列圖片及 YouTube 片段)。在主人家訂菜式前發揮影響力。
2。請各位注意身邊的大機構,在公務宴會上(春茗,週年宴會等)有沒有停用魚翅作菜式。如無停用的話,我們用 Google Doc 在網上羅列出來。這樣可以對各機構主其事者做成壓力。(按:有多間大機構如香港大學﹑恒生銀行等已承諾公務宴上不會用魚翅 ) 再按: 此議已實現,請訪問 魚翅公務宴會舉報網站
3。 派人向飲食業游說,籌組「飲食業護鯊立場書」,承諾在人客訂宴會菜單時,會主動提議魚翅替代品,供客人選擇(注意,不是承諾完全停用魚翅--在這階段這仍是過份前衛了一些)。 按: 此議已經由 WWF-HK 實現。見 連結
4。 向立法會議員及政府游說,開始徵收魚翅稅,由 10% 起,分五年提高至 200%,五年後完全禁止魚翅進口。
5。 向中華廚藝學院或蘇絲黄等游說,舉辦「無翅靚湯料理鐵人大賽」,推廣魚翅替代品。
如實行的話,將要有朋友幫忙。有興趣的朋友可與我聯絡。 Email: leeyuiwah AT hknet DOT com

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