Oh, now I remember this is related a loophole that was recently on the news -- that some people purposefully "fail" to receive their legal notices when their driving licenses get suspended (usually due to having too many points).
I've just received mine last week (well...), but actually some people (like me) have paid Hongkong Post and have their mail redirected to the new address automatically for 3 months/1 year or even more after moving to a new place, and sometimes I really forget changing registered address for some services.....
李銳華是香港民間運動「撐公共廣播運動」 PSB Now!(前稱「撐港台運動」)發起成員,亦是「魚翅婚宴。人情七折」運動發起人。本科畢業於香港大學電機暨電子工程學系,後獲港大工程學哲學碩士及香港中文大學計算機科學與工程學哲學博士。李銳華現居美國新澤西州。曾先後於貝爾實驗室任職研究員,於香港中文大學任助理教授,於美國 Carnegie Mellon University 任訪問學者,及於香港自動系統有限公司任客戶經理。他亦曾兼任香港大學明原堂舍堂導師及新澤西州華仁中文學校中文教師,校董,及副校長。李銳華不定期在香港《香港經濟日報》、《明報》、《信報》、《傳媒透視》、《香港電台》等媒體報刊撰文評論科技、文化、社會現象。
李銳華的個人網誌架在 http://leeyuiwah.blogspot.com
電郵地址是 leeyuiwah AT gmail DOT com
2 則留言:
Oh, now I remember this is related a loophole that was recently on the news -- that some people purposefully "fail" to receive their legal notices when their driving licenses get suspended (usually due to having too many points).
I've just received mine last week (well...), but actually some people (like me) have paid Hongkong Post and have their mail redirected to the new address automatically for 3 months/1 year or even more after moving to a new place, and sometimes I really forget changing registered address for some services.....