


我是在 2000 年才來美國的,之前在香港,看國際新聞時有聽聞過克林頓的醫療改革(後來無法獲得通過)。當時我的反應是,西方社會真不同,政府連這種「小事」也要管。其實,我是身在福中不知福。香港一直都有公立醫療制度。我那時從未聽說過有人會因生病而破產的。

後來我在 1996 年到美國當了一年的訪問學者。來美之前,有熟悉美國情況的朋友閒談中提醒我,「你到美國記得要有醫療保險啊!」我唯唯諾諾,但心想這也是對的,我在美國是外國人,政府自然不會有任何保險給我--我當時並不知道美國作為一個全球最富裕的國家,是有幾千萬人國民(超過十分一)是沒有任何醫療保險的。(幸好我的僱主 CMU 大學,的確有為所有僱員購買醫保,包括訪問學者。所以我很輕鬆地解決了這個問題。)



March 11, 2009

When Karen Tumulty's brother Patrick was diagnosed with kidney disease, the Time magazine correspondent thought her 15 years of experience covering health policy would enable her to solve his insurance problems. But Tumulty soon realized that the health care crisis is more complicated — and severe — than she thought.

As Tumulty notes in her Mar. 5, 2009 Time article, "The Health-Care Crisis Hits Home," her brother had subscribed for six years to a short-term health insurance policy, which he renewed every six months. But, she writes, the short-term policy meant that "each successive policy treated him as a brand-new customer." When he was diagnosed with kidney disease, the insurance company labeled his illness a "preexisting condition" and refused to pay for the costly diagnosis and treatment.

Tumulty explains that many Americans are under-insured, and they may not even know it: Health policies that seem generous for healthy people may actually be unable to cover costs if a serious illness arises. She writes that "just about anyone could be one bad diagnosis away from financial ruin."



奧地利某家超市認為,對它的顧客來說,剝香蕉是很麻煩的事。為了「提高」服務,超市決定推出新產品--預先剝好皮的香蕉,再用發泡膠和保鮮紙來把它包好出售。(請見原來的 新聞報導


  1. 在飯堂,我們每天用上一個發泡膠杯,用完即棄。
  2. 出外時,我們購買樽裝水。每飲一樽水便製造了一個膠樽垃圾。
  3. 到超市購物時,我們隨手拿上十個八個的即用即棄的塑膠購物袋。(按)
  1. 我們去飯堂時帶上自已的水杯。
  2. 出外時,我們帶上水壺。
  3. 到超市購物時,我們帶上可以無限次重用的布袋和購物籃。(按)




(按:香港自 2009 年實施膠袋徵費後,情況大為改善。但在美國大部份人仍然是不會自備購物袋的。)

But I need the convenience !

There was a supermarket who thinks peeling banana is too tedious for their customers (see the news report here), so they decided to sell bananas pre-peeled, and then wrapped the bananas on a Styrofoam plate topped with plastic wrap.

This is how lazy we as a society has become. So we want the convenience of avoiding the "chore" of peeling a banana ? Even though that means we are going to trash tons of Styrofoam plates that will take thousands of years, if not more, to bio-degrade ... ?

My friends, you may laugh at the supermarket. But if you think more carefully about the issue, many of our other commonly accepted habits are not significantly less ridiculous.  Think about these:

  1. we use Styroform cups in our cafeteria
  2. we buy bottled water when we are outside of our home
  3. we get five to ten plastic shopping bags for every grocery trip
We could have avoided the waste by:

  1. bringing our own mugs to the cafeteria, 
  2. pre-filling a reusable water bottle with tap water before we go out, 
  3. bringing a reusable shopping bags or baskets to groceries. 
But we say we need the convenience!

It is just that we have been having these other wasteful habits for a longer time.  But this does not make them less ridiculous.

So if this supermarket's idea survives the public outcry (luckily there have been quite some), soon I think we can see these pre-peeled bananas sold in every supermarket. Good luck to our future generations!