【原載自 2008 年 12 月 29 日《李銳華。啓文。雜思》】 (Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 US License )
考一考大家, 請問一天有多少秒鐘?
如果您的答案是 86,400 秒, 對不起, 您並不全對啊。
無疑,-般來說, 每天有廿四小時, 而一小時一般來說有 3,600 秒, 所以一般來說, 一天是有 24 x 3,600 = 86,400 秒的。 如果各位參加小學校際常識問答比賽, 這個答案應該是標準答案, 可得滿分!
但是人生就是沒有小學課程裡所描繪的那麽簡單。 如果各位是專業電腦程式開發人員, 又或者是工程師, 又或者是科學家, 您就要嚴肅的問自己, 真的每一天都有 86,400 秒嗎? 在此首先要定義「一天」是指從一個午夜到下一個午夜之間的那段時間。
如果各位在外國生活過, 或曾與外國人打過交道的, 大概有聽說過夏令時間 Daylight Saving Time 這玩意吧? 調撥夏令時間的時鐘, 有一句口訣, 很容易記憶的, "Spring forward, Fall back" 春天往前躍 (時針撥前一小時) 秋天退回來 (時針撥回一小時) (注意美國人叫秋天做 Fall 的,與英國人的 Autumn 有點不同)。 至於撥鐘的日子, 各國不同。 美國人是在三月的第二個週日和十一月的第一個週日, 而歐盟是三月的最後一個週日和十月的最後一個週日, 也有國家如中國 (包括香港) 是不行夏令時的。
至於撥鐘的時間一般在夜闌人靜的時候(凌辰二時)。撥快時鐘的那一天, 只有廿三小時; 而撥慢時鐘的那一天, 郤有廿五小時。 此時您應該明白, 我為甚麼在文首說一天不一定有 86,400 秒鐘了吧。
您也許仍然會爭辯, 「我生在中國香港, 這邊不行夏令時。 我負責的軟件, 也不出口到外國。 你所說的, 於我無關。」
可是, 除了夏令時, 還至少有另一個原因, 會令到一天不等於 86,400 秒鐘的, 這就是 「潤秒」 的問題。
原來, 地球自轉一週, 大約需時 86,400 秒鐘, 但又不是整整齊齊的 86,400 秒, 而是差了大約兩毫秒(千分之二秒), 為了修正這差異, 各國協定, 大約每五百天就要「潤」(增加) 一秒 (理論上也有減一秒的可能, 但事實上較少出現這一個需要。)
執筆之時, 兩天後的 2009 年除夕 (以格林威治時間為準), 正是另一潤秒的日子。 當天(指 2008 年 12 月 31 日) 深夜 11:59:59 PM 那一刻的下一秒, 會先跳到 11:59:60 PM, 然後再跳到下一天的 12:00:00 AM。 那一天 (香港時間是 2009 年 1 月 1 日) 共有 86,401 秒鐘。 小學校際常識問答比賽的標準答案, 仍然不適用!
對一般人來說, 這一秒的差別, 並不影響他們日常的生活; 但對程式開發人員來說, 視乎情況, 這一秒鐘, 郤隨時有差之毫氂, 繆以千里的破壞力, 搞不好就會令程式出現蟲蟲(program bug), 小則帶來尷尬, 大則引致死機, 服務故障等等。 故此好的程式開發人員, 心思一定要非常慎密。 寫程式時的每一個假設, 即使像「一天有多少秒鐘」這樣看來像小學生常識問題的, 都要再三思量, 保證他們都真的能夠經得起各種考驗, 於大風大浪中仍然屹立不倒, 方能寫出可靠的軟件。
最後, 祝各位後天能盡情享用那多出來的一秒鐘, 那可是 2008 年給大家的最後一份禮物啊!
Saying goodbye to print books and magazines
This year of 2008 has been a remarkable year. Many good things happened, so did many bad things -- all in one short year.
For now, I just want to note that, for me, this is also the year that I, finally, am (almost) done with print books and magazines.
For technical books, now I (almost exclusively) read on Safari Books Online.
For leisure books, I just bought an Amazon Kindle, a wireless e-book reader that uses the e-ink technologies to mimic a paper display.
And of course, I have been spending too much time on the web!
I realized this is the beginning of an end when one day in November I found that I was reluctant to order a certain book that I needed for my work. I didn't mind the price of the book, yet I was reluctant just because the book was a print book. I didn't want to wait for shipping, nor was I pleased with the idea that I'll have to find some bookshelf space for the book, and the idea that I'll have to carry the book around if I wanted to read it both at work and at home. I was procrastinating because subconsciously I was hoping that they had a PDF or web version -- until I really found it. This experience was an epiphany to me -- I had changed!
This reminds me of a time some 20 years ago when I finally gave up my practice of printing out a program's listing to review the program, to debug it, or to archive it (1). For program listings and for text, these two shifts in mentality happened to me in two points of time that were separated by 20 years. For me this was a long time, but for human history, this was probably nothing.
To find further support for the claim that the days of print books are numbered, I also noted that in this year several major print media, including The Christian Science Monitor and PC Magazine have already announced that they will no longer distribute the print versions of their newspaper or magazine, and they will publish exclusively on the web. So, to me, the writing is on the wall.
Back to myself, I am glad that I will be saving some trees, and moving less atoms around. Yeah!
For my friends in print media, don't worry, I still believe that what count are the memes, not the carriers -- papers or electronic signals -- that transmit these memes. So keep up the good work, but brave the new paperless world! Who should worry, then? I guess the paper and ink industries may have to.
-- The End --
(1) Younger readers may not realize that there was such a time that people would even print out programs' listings -- well, that was considered reasonable when typical computer programs were only a few hundred-line long. There was even special tractor-feed paper made for the purpose of printing computer programs (and output as well). And most computer centers would have a special "pigeon-holed" cabinet set up to distribute the printouts to the users. By the way, it is also fun to remember that people used to write their computer programs first on a piece of paper before they typed the code into a computer terminal. Those were the days.
Oh ... don't ask me to recite any recollections of the use of computer punch cards. I am too young for that :-)
For now, I just want to note that, for me, this is also the year that I, finally, am (almost) done with print books and magazines.
For technical books, now I (almost exclusively) read on Safari Books Online.
For leisure books, I just bought an Amazon Kindle, a wireless e-book reader that uses the e-ink technologies to mimic a paper display.
And of course, I have been spending too much time on the web!
I realized this is the beginning of an end when one day in November I found that I was reluctant to order a certain book that I needed for my work. I didn't mind the price of the book, yet I was reluctant just because the book was a print book. I didn't want to wait for shipping, nor was I pleased with the idea that I'll have to find some bookshelf space for the book, and the idea that I'll have to carry the book around if I wanted to read it both at work and at home. I was procrastinating because subconsciously I was hoping that they had a PDF or web version -- until I really found it. This experience was an epiphany to me -- I had changed!
This reminds me of a time some 20 years ago when I finally gave up my practice of printing out a program's listing to review the program, to debug it, or to archive it (1). For program listings and for text, these two shifts in mentality happened to me in two points of time that were separated by 20 years. For me this was a long time, but for human history, this was probably nothing.
To find further support for the claim that the days of print books are numbered, I also noted that in this year several major print media, including The Christian Science Monitor and PC Magazine have already announced that they will no longer distribute the print versions of their newspaper or magazine, and they will publish exclusively on the web. So, to me, the writing is on the wall.
Back to myself, I am glad that I will be saving some trees, and moving less atoms around. Yeah!
For my friends in print media, don't worry, I still believe that what count are the memes, not the carriers -- papers or electronic signals -- that transmit these memes. So keep up the good work, but brave the new paperless world! Who should worry, then? I guess the paper and ink industries may have to.
-- The End --
(1) Younger readers may not realize that there was such a time that people would even print out programs' listings -- well, that was considered reasonable when typical computer programs were only a few hundred-line long. There was even special tractor-feed paper made for the purpose of printing computer programs (and output as well). And most computer centers would have a special "pigeon-holed" cabinet set up to distribute the printouts to the users. By the way, it is also fun to remember that people used to write their computer programs first on a piece of paper before they typed the code into a computer terminal. Those were the days.
Oh ... don't ask me to recite any recollections of the use of computer punch cards. I am too young for that :-)
這個世界有沒有全能的上帝?祂是不是有着人一般的樣貎, 會像人一樣與我們傾談, 聆聽我們的禱告? 祂在這俗世有沒有代表, 比我們自己的良心更知道甚麼是正義? 甚麼是真理?
這些都是形而上的問題, 用哲學家波普 (Karl Popper) 的說法來說, 既不能證實, 也不能否證。 可以說, 信則有, 不信則無吧!
但如果有人對我說, 他便是這位全能上帝在世上的代表。 我怎樣判斷他所言是真是假呢?
猶大人的歷史書上, 記載着一段智慧, 也許可以給我們一點參考。
話說有兩婦人爭一子, 爭到所羅門王的面前。 兩人各執一詞。所羅門王說: 「這樣吧, 取劍來, 把這嬰一剖為二, 一人一半, 妳們便不用再爭了!」 一婦人當即對所羅門王說: 「不要呀! 不要傷害他! 我不爭這孩子了。」 另一婦人說: 「一分為二就一分為二吧!」
所羅門王便對第一位婦人說: 「我知道這是妳的孩子了。 妳領他回家吧!」
這是我在看到香港 《 家庭暴力條例 》 引起是否應該同時保護同性同居人士的爭議後所想到的。
這些都是形而上的問題, 用哲學家波普 (Karl Popper) 的說法來說, 既不能證實, 也不能否證。 可以說, 信則有, 不信則無吧!
但如果有人對我說, 他便是這位全能上帝在世上的代表。 我怎樣判斷他所言是真是假呢?
猶大人的歷史書上, 記載着一段智慧, 也許可以給我們一點參考。
話說有兩婦人爭一子, 爭到所羅門王的面前。 兩人各執一詞。所羅門王說: 「這樣吧, 取劍來, 把這嬰一剖為二, 一人一半, 妳們便不用再爭了!」 一婦人當即對所羅門王說: 「不要呀! 不要傷害他! 我不爭這孩子了。」 另一婦人說: 「一分為二就一分為二吧!」
所羅門王便對第一位婦人說: 「我知道這是妳的孩子了。 妳領他回家吧!」
這是我在看到香港 《 家庭暴力條例 》 引起是否應該同時保護同性同居人士的爭議後所想到的。
Survey: Editors messing with article titles common but not pervasive
Survey: Editors messing with article titles common but not pervasive
[ Dec 26, 2008, Hong Kong ] In an utterly unscientific survey, it was found that the practice of non-academic editors changing the article titles chosen by authors is common but not pervasive. Dr. Yui-Wah (Clement) Lee, who does not have a doctoral degree in social science nor media studies conducted an informal survey among his editor and author friends. He found that 50% of his author friends reported that their title choices were seldom messed with by the editor, while another 25% and 25% reported "always" and "often" respectively (see figures).

Dr. Lee, who is an author of both non-academic articles and academic peer-reviewed papers, said it is unheard-of in the world of academic journals that an editor would even change one single word of an academic paper without first consulting the authors. "If Einstein says E equals to M times C squared, no one would change it to M equals to E divided by C squared," he said, "even though the two expressions are equivalent mathematically." He points out that, however, in the circle of Hong Kong non-academic publication (mostly newspapers), this practice is more common. "This probably originated from the time when authors were still hand carrying their articles to a newsroom," he said, "and there were not enough time nor easy communication means for the editors to consult the authors when some changes were deemed appropriate."
Since then there have been the inventions of electronic mail or other more advanced communication means.
Dr Lee points out that every article, academic or not, is published with the name of the authors signed on it. The public perceive that every word, letter by letter, comes from the authors, while in practice it is actually more a combination of authors' creation plus editors' editing. "Although the editors are ultimately responsible for the newspaper, they do not sign their names next to the article, but the authors do. Therefore, the authors choices of words should be given a higher weight when there are differences in opinions." "With mutual respect, this dilemma is not difficult to solve these days," he suggested, "Why can't the editors give the author a shout and ask them if it is okay to edit the article in a certain way?"
Suggested Reading:
[ Dec 26, 2008, Hong Kong ] In an utterly unscientific survey, it was found that the practice of non-academic editors changing the article titles chosen by authors is common but not pervasive. Dr. Yui-Wah (Clement) Lee, who does not have a doctoral degree in social science nor media studies conducted an informal survey among his editor and author friends. He found that 50% of his author friends reported that their title choices were seldom messed with by the editor, while another 25% and 25% reported "always" and "often" respectively (see figures).
Dr. Lee, who is an author of both non-academic articles and academic peer-reviewed papers, said it is unheard-of in the world of academic journals that an editor would even change one single word of an academic paper without first consulting the authors. "If Einstein says E equals to M times C squared, no one would change it to M equals to E divided by C squared," he said, "even though the two expressions are equivalent mathematically." He points out that, however, in the circle of Hong Kong non-academic publication (mostly newspapers), this practice is more common. "This probably originated from the time when authors were still hand carrying their articles to a newsroom," he said, "and there were not enough time nor easy communication means for the editors to consult the authors when some changes were deemed appropriate."
Since then there have been the inventions of electronic mail or other more advanced communication means.
Dr Lee points out that every article, academic or not, is published with the name of the authors signed on it. The public perceive that every word, letter by letter, comes from the authors, while in practice it is actually more a combination of authors' creation plus editors' editing. "Although the editors are ultimately responsible for the newspaper, they do not sign their names next to the article, but the authors do. Therefore, the authors choices of words should be given a higher weight when there are differences in opinions." "With mutual respect, this dilemma is not difficult to solve these days," he suggested, "Why can't the editors give the author a shout and ask them if it is okay to edit the article in a certain way?"
Suggested Reading:
也談魚翅(英文)Eating shark-fin soups without feeling guilty?
I read a few articles on this page ("Eating shark-fin soups without feeling guilty"). Some of them are for and some are against the continued consumption of shark fin soups. Here are my comments after reading them:
I agree that a debate about shark-fin soups requires more scientific data and facts and less emotion and subjective judgment. Before we can reach a definitive final conclusion, however, I would give the benefit of the doubt to the party that is on an irreversible path (i.e. the shark species that, God forbid, once went into extinction, would never re-surface again.)
- This debate reminds me of the debate of global warming. When one side (the scientists, who typically have no profit motivation) points out a problem, the other side (typically the trades and countries who have vested interests) would find some other "scientists" to deny the problem. And their typical defense is "there is not enough evidence that there is a problem" rather than "we are sure there are no problems." (See Dr. Giam's article on Dec 1, 2006.) You can always ask for more evidence to prove anything, can't you?
These defendants of excessive CO2 exhaustion have thus successfully stalled a global co-operation on reverting the trend of global warming for tens of years, with a possibly deadly consequence -- I am talking about the death of us the human species not just the deaths of one or two persons.
Regarding global warming, we don't know if we have already passed the point of no return. Al Gore, being a very optimistic person, said no -- if we take action now, we can still save the world. I can only trust him. But I really think we should have taken actions much earlier. - Also, these proponents of an allegedly bad convention (e.g. continuation of excessive CO2 exhaustion) would throw out excuses that are not related to the issue at hand so as to divert the public's attention. In the American CO2 debate, it is "how about India and China?"; in the shark-fin-soup debate, it is "the West are imposing their values upon us the East."
- Finally, Mr. Wong Hoong Hooi's article (Dec 11, 2006) reminds me of the debate in the human rights controversies surrounding the Beijing Olympics this summer (2008). That is, if you have flaws, point out the flaws somewhere else (e.g. the human rights or racial problems in the western countries, or the expansion of the European America at the expense of the survivals of the native American Indians). Say loud and clear that since these people are guilty also for something, they have no right to criticize me. These arguments can buy some sympathy, but I must say this -- in a law of court, even a convicted criminal can testify against another person, so Mr. Wong's argument is against the spirit of human society.
I agree that a debate about shark-fin soups requires more scientific data and facts and less emotion and subjective judgment. Before we can reach a definitive final conclusion, however, I would give the benefit of the doubt to the party that is on an irreversible path (i.e. the shark species that, God forbid, once went into extinction, would never re-surface again.)
節儉是美德; 我痛恨禮物!
我反對的, 是為了應節﹑ 為了送而送的禮物。 我家中比較少各種無謂的 dust collectors, 皆因我叫親友不要給我送禮物, 我也很少送禮物給別人。
有用的東西, 能力所及, 再貴的我也會買; 沒有用的東西, 免費的我也會婉拒。
如果這個世界的繁榮,是靠大家買無謂的東西來支撐的話, 那麼經濟衰退未嘗不是一件好事。
曾經有同事結婚,大家湊拼了一點資金,準備合資買一份禮物給他夫婦倆慶賀。作為搞手, 我心中認為最好的禮物是一台 TiVo ( 硬碟錄影機,只在美國有售 ),大家也不反對,但在最後關頭, 我還是臨崖勒馬,改為折現成一張支票,放在一個 TiVo 的空盒內,包裝成一個禮物的樣子,隨支票「提議」他們可以考慮買一部 TiVo。
他收禮物時,我目睹了在我們的計謀「圖窮票現」時他那個由衷的微笑和釋懷-- 他真的不想收一部 TiVo 作為禮物 !
你道他們最後用那張支票買了甚麼? 是一台 Wi-Fi Wireless Router (當年是很貴的噢), 一點也不 romantic ,但卻是他們倆認為最好的禮物, 也是我們想也未想過的禮物。
有用的東西, 能力所及, 再貴的我也會買; 沒有用的東西, 免費的我也會婉拒。
如果這個世界的繁榮,是靠大家買無謂的東西來支撐的話, 那麼經濟衰退未嘗不是一件好事。
曾經有同事結婚,大家湊拼了一點資金,準備合資買一份禮物給他夫婦倆慶賀。作為搞手, 我心中認為最好的禮物是一台 TiVo ( 硬碟錄影機,只在美國有售 ),大家也不反對,但在最後關頭, 我還是臨崖勒馬,改為折現成一張支票,放在一個 TiVo 的空盒內,包裝成一個禮物的樣子,隨支票「提議」他們可以考慮買一部 TiVo。
他收禮物時,我目睹了在我們的計謀「圖窮票現」時他那個由衷的微笑和釋懷-- 他真的不想收一部 TiVo 作為禮物 !
你道他們最後用那張支票買了甚麼? 是一台 Wi-Fi Wireless Router (當年是很貴的噢), 一點也不 romantic ,但卻是他們倆認為最好的禮物, 也是我們想也未想過的禮物。
我覺得做現代人, 應該有拒絕的勇氣。 拒絕去不想去的婚禮, 拒絕去搞不想搞的婚禮 (1), 拒絕在宴會上加上不環保的魚翅 (2), 拒絕去為應節而送不想送的禮物。。。
引伸之,是拒絕去寫別人想您寫的文章, 拒絕去爬別人期待您去爬的職場階梯, 拒絕去結別人想您結的婚,或拒絕不去結別人不看好的您的婚姻, 拒絕去做別人期待的但您不想做的自己 。。。。 最初可能會得罪一些人, 令您以為會落得一個「六親不認」的下場, 但慢慢您會發現, 剩下來的才是您的真正朋友, 哪些雞飛狗走或知難而退的豬朋狗友就由他們去吧!
"The privilege of a lifetime is to be yourself" (Anonymous)
-- 完 --
(1) 我知道這一點對於孝順父母但又偏偏父母觀念很傳統的朋友來說比較難做到。我只能說一句「八仙過海,各顯神通」吧!
(2) 這一點我近期在努力中,但「革命仍未成功!」
我覺得做現代人, 應該有拒絕的勇氣。 拒絕去不想去的婚禮, 拒絕去搞不想搞的婚禮 (1), 拒絕在宴會上加上不環保的魚翅 (2), 拒絕去為應節而送不想送的禮物。。。
引伸之,是拒絕去寫別人想您寫的文章, 拒絕去爬別人期待您去爬的職場階梯, 拒絕去結別人想您結的婚,或拒絕不去結別人不看好的您的婚姻, 拒絕去做別人期待的但您不想做的自己 。。。。 最初可能會得罪一些人, 令您以為會落得一個「六親不認」的下場, 但慢慢您會發現, 剩下來的才是您的真正朋友, 哪些雞飛狗走或知難而退的豬朋狗友就由他們去吧!
"The privilege of a lifetime is to be yourself" (Anonymous)
-- 完 --
(1) 我知道這一點對於孝順父母但又偏偏父母觀念很傳統的朋友來說比較難做到。我只能說一句「八仙過海,各顯神通」吧!
(2) 這一點我近期在努力中,但「革命仍未成功!」
我是這樣想的。 如果這世界有一角落是我所不能知的,我會相信它是美好的。
基於這一個信念, 我祝福倪震與周慧敏。
感情的事, 旁人只有祝福的份兒, 沒有批評的權利。
另外, 我看過周慧敏的「分手信」, 我是相當感動的! 通過這封信,我才看到了她最美麗的一面。
我是這樣想的。 如果這世界有一角落是我所不能知的,我會相信它是美好的。
基於這一個信念, 我祝福倪震與周慧敏。
感情的事, 旁人只有祝福的份兒, 沒有批評的權利。
另外, 我看過周慧敏的「分手信」, 我是相當感動的! 通過這封信,我才看到了她最美麗的一面。
Between shoe throwing and the crime that killed 94,030+ people
This Sunday (Dec 14, 2008) brought us this news -- that an Iraqi journalist threw two shoes at President George W. Bush during a press conference in Baghdad.
Immediately the mainstream media focus on the details of this act of anger: Who is the shoe thrower? What did he say before throwing the shoes? What did the president say after he was being thrown at? Whether the Secret Service reacted quickly enough? Et cetera.
While these are all interesting questions, no one seems to care about the other more important questions: What is behind this anger? Wasn't there a crime that killed 94,030+ people?
I am referring to the fact that George W. Bush lied to his nation and started the unjustified Iraq War, and the fact that he is responsible for the deaths of 4,138+ US men and women plus 89,892+ Iraqi civilians (c.f. IraqBodyCount.org).
Mr. Vincent Bugliosi, the author of the book “The Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder”, has outlined the legal case against George W. Bush. The gist of it is the following. George W. Bush could not use the reason of self defense to legally defend his act of unlawful killing of human beings, because, on Oct 1, 2002, the CIA issued the 2002 National Intelligence Estimate. It concluded that “Baghdad for now appears to be drawing a line short of conducting terrorist attack … against the US.” Thus, George W. Bush knew the US was not in an immediate danger. Yet on Oct 7, 2002, in his televised address on the Iraqi crisis, he told his nation that Hussein was a “great danger to our nation.” He framed the threat as being imminent when he said an attack could happen “on any given day.”
In other words, George W. Bush was not misled by the CIA. He deliberately ignored the estimate by the CIA and told the contrary to his people. Since he knew the US was not in an immediate danger, he could not possibly be acting in self defense. He also knew that people would be killed in a war. This means that he knowingly had these people killed. Finally, even though he did not personally pull the triggers of any firearms that killed these victims, he set into motion the chain of events that led to their deaths. Legally this is no difference from pulling the trigger of a firearm.
Putting all these together, we can conclude that since he knowingly carried out an act of killing without any lawful excuse, such as self defense, he is guilty of murder.
Of course, the verdict has to be made by a court of law. After Jan 20, 2009, every jurisdiction in the US with someone killed in this chain of events can take up a case against him.
Doing so is controversial. What is not controversial, however, is that an alleged crime that caused 94,030+ deaths deserves an investigation.
The shoe thrower is facing up to seven years in prison if convicted. Now how about George W. Bush?
-- The End --
Immediately the mainstream media focus on the details of this act of anger: Who is the shoe thrower? What did he say before throwing the shoes? What did the president say after he was being thrown at? Whether the Secret Service reacted quickly enough? Et cetera.
While these are all interesting questions, no one seems to care about the other more important questions: What is behind this anger? Wasn't there a crime that killed 94,030+ people?
I am referring to the fact that George W. Bush lied to his nation and started the unjustified Iraq War, and the fact that he is responsible for the deaths of 4,138+ US men and women plus 89,892+ Iraqi civilians (c.f. IraqBodyCount.org).
Mr. Vincent Bugliosi, the author of the book “The Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder”, has outlined the legal case against George W. Bush. The gist of it is the following. George W. Bush could not use the reason of self defense to legally defend his act of unlawful killing of human beings, because, on Oct 1, 2002, the CIA issued the 2002 National Intelligence Estimate. It concluded that “Baghdad for now appears to be drawing a line short of conducting terrorist attack … against the US.” Thus, George W. Bush knew the US was not in an immediate danger. Yet on Oct 7, 2002, in his televised address on the Iraqi crisis, he told his nation that Hussein was a “great danger to our nation.” He framed the threat as being imminent when he said an attack could happen “on any given day.”
In other words, George W. Bush was not misled by the CIA. He deliberately ignored the estimate by the CIA and told the contrary to his people. Since he knew the US was not in an immediate danger, he could not possibly be acting in self defense. He also knew that people would be killed in a war. This means that he knowingly had these people killed. Finally, even though he did not personally pull the triggers of any firearms that killed these victims, he set into motion the chain of events that led to their deaths. Legally this is no difference from pulling the trigger of a firearm.
Putting all these together, we can conclude that since he knowingly carried out an act of killing without any lawful excuse, such as self defense, he is guilty of murder.
Of course, the verdict has to be made by a court of law. After Jan 20, 2009, every jurisdiction in the US with someone killed in this chain of events can take up a case against him.
Doing so is controversial. What is not controversial, however, is that an alleged crime that caused 94,030+ deaths deserves an investigation.
The shoe thrower is facing up to seven years in prison if convicted. Now how about George W. Bush?
-- The End --
近日從台灣方面傳來有關公共電視方面的消息。 台灣立法院的兩個委員會近日 ( 2008 年 12 月 9日) 通過對公共電視台及其成員電視台下年度的預算執行施以附加決議, 要求各台於執行該年度預算時須逐項報請主管機關核可同意始能動支。 這是名目張膽的政治 (立法院) 干預台灣公共電視的日常運作, 不能接受!
現代社會健康發展的基石, 是權力互相制衡, 防止社會上的任何一個實體, 有過大的權力。 蓋「權力令人腐化, 絶對權力令人絶對腐化」也。 政府分為三支, 行政﹑ 立法﹑ 司法, 各有各自的權力, 但又互相牽制對方。 而新聞媒體, 雖不是單一實體, 但綜合而言有着左右民意的力量, 往往被視為第四權, 與政府中的行政﹑ 立法﹑ 司法機關成四權分立之勢。 這樣的制度, 不單不會令國家積弱, 反而令國家富強, 現代國家經歷近二百年的實踐經驗可以借鑑。
而媒體的經營, 還要再深入斟酌: 若純由官辦 (行政或立法機關主理), 則權力向官方傾斜, 失去制衡官方的力量。 若純由商營, 又有可能大走媚俗及嘩眾取竉的路線, 文化機關帶領社會大眾在金錢大海中沉淪。 而且商業機構不會輕易做損害自己商業利益的事, 如廣告客戶的產品有損公益, 商業媒體不一定會第一個跳出來伸張正義。 故此各國皆有媒體生態多元化的做法 ── 既有商業媒體自由運作, 但必定另加獨立的公共廣播, 不受各種商業及政治利益所左右。 如英國 BBC, 日本 NHK, 美國 NRP/PBS 等。
亦因此有人說公共廣播是社會上一股追求共好的力量 (a force for the common good), 其實不是說經營公共廣播者是聖人, 不食人間煙火;只是說公共廣播在上述的大政治藍圖中, 能對社會的健康發展發揮出一分積極的力量。
香港號稱世界大都會, 但社會制度郤畸形落後得很。 假民主制度且先不談, 連公共廣播也只是徒有一點文化, 而缺乏法律的保障。 獨由香港電台一個政府部門, 倚着前朝留下的一點 BBC 公共廣播的傳統, 死撐着一片不斷在萎縮中的小天地。 而行政機關, 則對其不斷的進行政治性騷擾, 希望她能走愚民路線, 比如不要過於批評行政機關, 也不要在香港討論任何北京認為是禁忌的話題 (如台獨問題)。在這些人眼中, 國民教育, 也就是愚民教育。
而台灣民眾經歷十八年抗爭, 始於上世紀九十年代末期制定 「公共電視法」, 並成立「公共電視文化事業基金會」 經營公共電視。 社會共識是黨政軍退出媒體。 如今執政國民黨郤要走回頭路!
在香港, 有人質疑香港電台是反政府和反北京的陣地。 在台灣, 也有說法, 問「公視基金會」會不會成為獨立王國, 為某些政治派別公器私用? 如執政國民黨政策會執行長林益世所說, 「因為你們(公共電視)是綠的, 你不用多做說明, 那是我的感覺 !」 查實 「公共電視法」 已經明文限定了公視受立法院的制約, 具體機制如下: (1)所有公視董事會成員均由立法院同意任命; (2)每年從公帑中提出, 以新聞局捐贈形式交「公視基金會」使用的九億新台幣 (約二億一千萬港幣) 經費, 先須由公視提出預算, 後交立法院通過動支。
現在, 掌控立法院的國民黨政客提出文首的附加決議, 是用逐項經費審查的機會去過濾公視的節目內容, 嚴重地影響公視的獨立性; 也是越過了法律允許的權力, 對公視加以毛手毛腳。 他們才是在公器(立法院)私用 (政黨政治)。 筆者無法不長嘆一聲, 難道中國人真的不配有獨立的公共廣播嗎?
順便一提, 據「公視基金會」聲明, 上述公帑經費的一半, 約四億五千萬新台幣 (筆者估計約為年支出的百分之三十) , 今年 ( 2008年) 被立法院無理凍結, 至今還沒有一個說法。 又是立法院越權之一證。
筆者認為, 台灣政治雖然有著藍與綠、 統與獨等爭議, 外人不一定能完全明白。 筆者也對台獨運動沒有好感 。 但是四權分立的理念和獨立公共廣播的原則, 是不可動搖的。 法律條文, 更是必須尊重。 因此筆者在此呼籲香港市民、 全球華人和世界公民關注台灣公共電視的正常運作。 讓雪亮的眼睛盯着在台灣公器私用的政黨政客!
── 完 ──
* 好自在 (goodfine): 為什麼要支持公視
* 台灣記協:政府沒有權力審查公共電視的節目內容
* 1212 行動聲明:請國民黨團及林益世委員放手 還公視獨立自主空間
* The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) : Government Interference Puts Strain on Taiwan Public Media
* 「撐港台運動」聲明:也撐台灣公共電視
現代社會健康發展的基石, 是權力互相制衡, 防止社會上的任何一個實體, 有過大的權力。 蓋「權力令人腐化, 絶對權力令人絶對腐化」也。 政府分為三支, 行政﹑ 立法﹑ 司法, 各有各自的權力, 但又互相牽制對方。 而新聞媒體, 雖不是單一實體, 但綜合而言有着左右民意的力量, 往往被視為第四權, 與政府中的行政﹑ 立法﹑ 司法機關成四權分立之勢。 這樣的制度, 不單不會令國家積弱, 反而令國家富強, 現代國家經歷近二百年的實踐經驗可以借鑑。
而媒體的經營, 還要再深入斟酌: 若純由官辦 (行政或立法機關主理), 則權力向官方傾斜, 失去制衡官方的力量。 若純由商營, 又有可能大走媚俗及嘩眾取竉的路線, 文化機關帶領社會大眾在金錢大海中沉淪。 而且商業機構不會輕易做損害自己商業利益的事, 如廣告客戶的產品有損公益, 商業媒體不一定會第一個跳出來伸張正義。 故此各國皆有媒體生態多元化的做法 ── 既有商業媒體自由運作, 但必定另加獨立的公共廣播, 不受各種商業及政治利益所左右。 如英國 BBC, 日本 NHK, 美國 NRP/PBS 等。
亦因此有人說公共廣播是社會上一股追求共好的力量 (a force for the common good), 其實不是說經營公共廣播者是聖人, 不食人間煙火;只是說公共廣播在上述的大政治藍圖中, 能對社會的健康發展發揮出一分積極的力量。
香港號稱世界大都會, 但社會制度郤畸形落後得很。 假民主制度且先不談, 連公共廣播也只是徒有一點文化, 而缺乏法律的保障。 獨由香港電台一個政府部門, 倚着前朝留下的一點 BBC 公共廣播的傳統, 死撐着一片不斷在萎縮中的小天地。 而行政機關, 則對其不斷的進行政治性騷擾, 希望她能走愚民路線, 比如不要過於批評行政機關, 也不要在香港討論任何北京認為是禁忌的話題 (如台獨問題)。在這些人眼中, 國民教育, 也就是愚民教育。
而台灣民眾經歷十八年抗爭, 始於上世紀九十年代末期制定 「公共電視法」, 並成立「公共電視文化事業基金會」 經營公共電視。 社會共識是黨政軍退出媒體。 如今執政國民黨郤要走回頭路!
在香港, 有人質疑香港電台是反政府和反北京的陣地。 在台灣, 也有說法, 問「公視基金會」會不會成為獨立王國, 為某些政治派別公器私用? 如執政國民黨政策會執行長林益世所說, 「因為你們(公共電視)是綠的, 你不用多做說明, 那是我的感覺 !」 查實 「公共電視法」 已經明文限定了公視受立法院的制約, 具體機制如下: (1)所有公視董事會成員均由立法院同意任命; (2)每年從公帑中提出, 以新聞局捐贈形式交「公視基金會」使用的九億新台幣 (約二億一千萬港幣) 經費, 先須由公視提出預算, 後交立法院通過動支。
現在, 掌控立法院的國民黨政客提出文首的附加決議, 是用逐項經費審查的機會去過濾公視的節目內容, 嚴重地影響公視的獨立性; 也是越過了法律允許的權力, 對公視加以毛手毛腳。 他們才是在公器(立法院)私用 (政黨政治)。 筆者無法不長嘆一聲, 難道中國人真的不配有獨立的公共廣播嗎?
順便一提, 據「公視基金會」聲明, 上述公帑經費的一半, 約四億五千萬新台幣 (筆者估計約為年支出的百分之三十) , 今年 ( 2008年) 被立法院無理凍結, 至今還沒有一個說法。 又是立法院越權之一證。
筆者認為, 台灣政治雖然有著藍與綠、 統與獨等爭議, 外人不一定能完全明白。 筆者也對台獨運動沒有好感 。 但是四權分立的理念和獨立公共廣播的原則, 是不可動搖的。 法律條文, 更是必須尊重。 因此筆者在此呼籲香港市民、 全球華人和世界公民關注台灣公共電視的正常運作。 讓雪亮的眼睛盯着在台灣公器私用的政黨政客!
── 完 ──
* 好自在 (goodfine): 為什麼要支持公視
* 台灣記協:政府沒有權力審查公共電視的節目內容
* 1212 行動聲明:請國民黨團及林益世委員放手 還公視獨立自主空間
* The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) : Government Interference Puts Strain on Taiwan Public Media
* 「撐港台運動」聲明:也撐台灣公共電視
George W Bush deserves not just a shoe!
George W. Bush deserves not just a shoe but a criminal trial for murdering more than 4,000 US men and women. Because of limitation of jurisdiction, the fact that the same crime also caused 89,878+ civilian Iraqi deaths may not be heard in any court in this country, but everyone should not forget about this fact. We should all keep mentioning these numbers, this is the minimum respect that we can pay to the victims.
If this country has any sense of justice, that is.
Vincent Bugliosi, The prosecution of George W. Bush for murder
Facebook group "10,000,000 For the Prosecution of Bush and Cheney for War Crimes"
If this country has any sense of justice, that is.
Vincent Bugliosi, The prosecution of George W. Bush for murder
Facebook group "10,000,000 For the Prosecution of Bush and Cheney for War Crimes"
前言: 以下這個故事, 是我十九年前在港大明原堂的一場高桌晚宴上, 從作家阿濃那裏聽來的。 印象深刻, 今試憑記憶轉述之, 博君一粲 :-)
話說昔日某君請客, 賓客四人甲乙丙丁。 時候至, 乙丙丁皆赴約, 而獨不見甲。
乙聽後臉色一變, 曰: 「然則謂吾等之不應來!?」 怒而出走。。。
某君追出不果, 又嘆: 「不應走的郤走爾!」
丙聞之亦不快, 曰: 「然則謂吾等之應走乎?」 亦出走。。。
某君又追出, 道: 「吾非謂汝也!」
丁即起, 曰: 「彼即謂吾也!」亦去。 徒剩某君空自嗟嘆。
記之曰: 言者無心, 聽者有意也!
後記: 我用文言文來寫這個故事, 是因為我中文打字速度太慢, 覺得文言文文字較精簡﹑ 輸入時較省時間 (本文是我某日下班後﹑回家前匆匆而寫成的) 。 但看來我的 "之乎者也" 原來已不大靈光 。。。請各位多多包涵!
話說昔日某君請客, 賓客四人甲乙丙丁。 時候至, 乙丙丁皆赴約, 而獨不見甲。
乙聽後臉色一變, 曰: 「然則謂吾等之不應來!?」 怒而出走。。。
某君追出不果, 又嘆: 「不應走的郤走爾!」
丙聞之亦不快, 曰: 「然則謂吾等之應走乎?」 亦出走。。。
某君又追出, 道: 「吾非謂汝也!」
丁即起, 曰: 「彼即謂吾也!」亦去。 徒剩某君空自嗟嘆。
記之曰: 言者無心, 聽者有意也!
後記: 我用文言文來寫這個故事, 是因為我中文打字速度太慢, 覺得文言文文字較精簡﹑ 輸入時較省時間 (本文是我某日下班後﹑回家前匆匆而寫成的) 。 但看來我的 "之乎者也" 原來已不大靈光 。。。請各位多多包涵!
劉吳惠蘭局長的回覆洋洋六百字 (見下),可以簡約為:
小弟率性天真 (too simple, too naive),有點疑惑:藉『公共廣播服務檢討』殺香港電台一着,是不是另一個「八萬五」? (失敗的政策,只能在幾年之後才會向公眾承認?)
- 『公共廣播服務檢討』沒有時間表。我找不到能說服自己的原因可以向您交待。
- 會將「港台脫離政府架構並轉型成為法定的公共廣播機構」及「設立供公眾使用的社區電台」兩項建議納入諮詢文件的選項。
- 會「充份」諮詢港台員工及公眾人士的意見 (但你們應當明白港府有着「濃厚的機構文化」, 習慣了做假諮詢, 你們真的哪麼心急嗎?)
小弟率性天真 (too simple, too naive),有點疑惑:藉『公共廣播服務檢討』殺香港電台一着,是不是另一個「八萬五」? (失敗的政策,只能在幾年之後才會向公眾承認?)
政府現正審慎地研究檢討委員會報� 恁A及全方位檢視與公共廣播服務的政策相關的各項課題。當我們完成研究後,必定會向公眾公布,以及讓社會各界,包括港台員工,參與制訂日後公共廣播服務政策,範圍將會包括港台的未來、社區電台和公眾頻道廣播等課題。
言論和新聞自由是香港的核心價值! ,亦同時得到《基本法》和《香港人權法案條例》的保障。此外,正如議員所指出,港台作為公營廣播機構一直享有編輯自主。我想借此機會再次重申,政府在考慮未來香港公共廣播政策時必定會繼續恪守這些原則。
Leadership without Integrity?
(This article was also published on South China Morning Post on Dec 17, 2008 as a letter to the editor. The editor changed the title to "RTHK review: a case of broken promises.")
Our Chief Executive Mr. Donald Tsang might have charmed some people when in 2007 he made his re-election slogan “I’ll get my job done!”
But what exactly does it mean by “getting a job done?” Perhaps most people would agree that integrity is a necessary pre-condition of “getting a job done.” Do you want to hire an employee who says “Yes” to you but does “No” once you turn your back? How about a student who keeps breaking his promise that he will turn in his homework “next week”?
Now, how does Tsang’s administration measure up? Let’s look at the handling of the review on public service broadcasting in Hong Kong.
In March 2007, the Review Committee on Public Service Broadcasting, a committee appointed by Mr. Donald Tsang, unveiled their review report. While the report did not utter the phrase “shut down RTHK,” most readers inevitably concluded that was the obvious and ultimate recommendation. As a result, the public was outraged. To ease the tension, on May 17th, 2007, the Administration issued a written promise to the Legislative Council that there will be a public consultation in the second half of 2007. We now all know that the Government has broken that promise.
Government officials then signaled that the consultation paper would be released on January 29th, 2008. That sounds okay until Mr. Donald Tsang surprised everyone by revealing in the LegCo meeting on January 17th that the government was to postpone the consultation.
What’s next? Government officials privately signaled that there would be a consultation by the end of 2008. They did not say “at the appropriate juncture, in the fullness of time …"as the master of stalling tactics Sir Humphrey Appleby said to his political master in the everlasting BBC comedy “Yes Prime Minister”. Rather, they promised that there will be a consultation “after the LegCo Election of September 2008.” Unfortunately, we just learned last week (Nov 16th, 2008) that they had decided to break their promise again. Mr. Duncan Warren Pescod, the permanent secretary in charge of this matter, confirmed that the consultation paper would not happen before the end of this year.
Dwight D. Eisenhower once said “The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity.” Yet in Hong Kong, our political leaders could break their promise thrice without facing any consequences. I believe this is part of the reason why our governance is in crisis now.
-- The End --
Our Chief Executive Mr. Donald Tsang might have charmed some people when in 2007 he made his re-election slogan “I’ll get my job done!”
But what exactly does it mean by “getting a job done?” Perhaps most people would agree that integrity is a necessary pre-condition of “getting a job done.” Do you want to hire an employee who says “Yes” to you but does “No” once you turn your back? How about a student who keeps breaking his promise that he will turn in his homework “next week”?
Now, how does Tsang’s administration measure up? Let’s look at the handling of the review on public service broadcasting in Hong Kong.
In March 2007, the Review Committee on Public Service Broadcasting, a committee appointed by Mr. Donald Tsang, unveiled their review report. While the report did not utter the phrase “shut down RTHK,” most readers inevitably concluded that was the obvious and ultimate recommendation. As a result, the public was outraged. To ease the tension, on May 17th, 2007, the Administration issued a written promise to the Legislative Council that there will be a public consultation in the second half of 2007. We now all know that the Government has broken that promise.
Government officials then signaled that the consultation paper would be released on January 29th, 2008. That sounds okay until Mr. Donald Tsang surprised everyone by revealing in the LegCo meeting on January 17th that the government was to postpone the consultation.
What’s next? Government officials privately signaled that there would be a consultation by the end of 2008. They did not say “at the appropriate juncture, in the fullness of time …"as the master of stalling tactics Sir Humphrey Appleby said to his political master in the everlasting BBC comedy “Yes Prime Minister”. Rather, they promised that there will be a consultation “after the LegCo Election of September 2008.” Unfortunately, we just learned last week (Nov 16th, 2008) that they had decided to break their promise again. Mr. Duncan Warren Pescod, the permanent secretary in charge of this matter, confirmed that the consultation paper would not happen before the end of this year.
Dwight D. Eisenhower once said “The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity.” Yet in Hong Kong, our political leaders could break their promise thrice without facing any consequences. I believe this is part of the reason why our governance is in crisis now.
-- The End --
電影《莫扎特傳》裏面有這樣的一場戲。 神聖羅馬帝國皇帝約瑟夫二世 (Joseph II) 去看莫扎特綵排, 對莫扎特的作品大加讚賞, 但他對莫扎特說,「你這曲子太多音符了, 減掉一些音符它將會更完美!」
幸虧約瑟夫二世不愧為 「懂音樂的大王」 (The Musical King) , 他並沒有運用贊助人的身份和神聖羅馬帝國的威權去強行刪掉任何莫扎特的音符!相信任何嚴肅地對待自己藝術作品的人,都不喜歡自己的作品被別人隨便觸碰的。
但我寫文字可不敢自比莫扎特寫樂曲,不敢書明 「本文一字不能改。」 我自知我寫文章時, 常常有錯字﹑ 白字﹑ 詞不逹意等各種毛病, 有勞各位編輯大人明察秋毫, 去蕪存菁。 但我想, 編輯大人們修改他人的文章時, 應當是小心翼翼的吧? 須知道, 「文章是自己的最好」, 怎樣表達同一個意念, 有多種不同的做法, 但作者們總是覺得自己的做法是最好的。 而且,作者己經把自已的名字押在文章上,文責自負, 打死無怨。
這其中, 文章的標題, 更是極度敏感的地帶。 回想近年自己印象深刻的文章, 如蔡子強的《除了天真和儍之外,還有對錯! 》(註) ; 梁文道的《陳水扁是台獨運動的罪人》; 余若薇的《我的小炸彈》等。 這些標題, 與其文章是那樣的上下呼應, 渾然天成似的。 真不敢想像它們有可能是由編輯捉刀代筆的 (雖然我並無向幾位作者本人求證 ) 。
更何況,現代社會資訊爆炸,現代人日理萬機, 很多人看過了標題就不看內文了。因此,標題往往就是文章的全部!如果不是全部,也至少是文章的靈魂。
這也是就為何每次我的文章的標題被編輯大人們毛手毛腳, 我內心是非常的不自在。 差之毫氂, 繆以千里。 幾個字的改動, 感覺上好像文章的一大半被人動了手腳, 面目全非 。
有時午夜夢迴, 撫心自問。 在這互聯網的年代, 文章寫好了, 直接貼上網上不就好了嗎? 為何要投到報館? 值得為文章付梓而苦等數日以至數週嗎? 文章還有可能會被人毛手毛腳! 為的就不過是爭取更多的「眼球」 (閱讀人數) 罷了。 有時覺得自己有點像那位為了要重新得到青春,而把自己的靈魂出賣給魔鬼的浮士德 —— 我是不是為了得到更多的眼球, 而把自己文章的靈魂給出賣了?
—— 完 ——
註: 蔡子強該文, 標題夠醒目, 但我是不同意其立論的。 我覺得他對受害人鍾欣桐太苛刻了一點。 有興趣的讀者可另見本人對藝人裸照案一事的評論。
版本 1.1
幸虧約瑟夫二世不愧為 「懂音樂的大王」 (The Musical King) , 他並沒有運用贊助人的身份和神聖羅馬帝國的威權去強行刪掉任何莫扎特的音符!相信任何嚴肅地對待自己藝術作品的人,都不喜歡自己的作品被別人隨便觸碰的。
但我寫文字可不敢自比莫扎特寫樂曲,不敢書明 「本文一字不能改。」 我自知我寫文章時, 常常有錯字﹑ 白字﹑ 詞不逹意等各種毛病, 有勞各位編輯大人明察秋毫, 去蕪存菁。 但我想, 編輯大人們修改他人的文章時, 應當是小心翼翼的吧? 須知道, 「文章是自己的最好」, 怎樣表達同一個意念, 有多種不同的做法, 但作者們總是覺得自己的做法是最好的。 而且,作者己經把自已的名字押在文章上,文責自負, 打死無怨。
這其中, 文章的標題, 更是極度敏感的地帶。 回想近年自己印象深刻的文章, 如蔡子強的《除了天真和儍之外,還有對錯! 》(註) ; 梁文道的《陳水扁是台獨運動的罪人》; 余若薇的《我的小炸彈》等。 這些標題, 與其文章是那樣的上下呼應, 渾然天成似的。 真不敢想像它們有可能是由編輯捉刀代筆的 (雖然我並無向幾位作者本人求證 ) 。
更何況,現代社會資訊爆炸,現代人日理萬機, 很多人看過了標題就不看內文了。因此,標題往往就是文章的全部!如果不是全部,也至少是文章的靈魂。
這也是就為何每次我的文章的標題被編輯大人們毛手毛腳, 我內心是非常的不自在。 差之毫氂, 繆以千里。 幾個字的改動, 感覺上好像文章的一大半被人動了手腳, 面目全非 。
有時午夜夢迴, 撫心自問。 在這互聯網的年代, 文章寫好了, 直接貼上網上不就好了嗎? 為何要投到報館? 值得為文章付梓而苦等數日以至數週嗎? 文章還有可能會被人毛手毛腳! 為的就不過是爭取更多的「眼球」 (閱讀人數) 罷了。 有時覺得自己有點像那位為了要重新得到青春,而把自己的靈魂出賣給魔鬼的浮士德 —— 我是不是為了得到更多的眼球, 而把自己文章的靈魂給出賣了?
—— 完 ——
註: 蔡子強該文, 標題夠醒目, 但我是不同意其立論的。 我覺得他對受害人鍾欣桐太苛刻了一點。 有興趣的讀者可另見本人對藝人裸照案一事的評論。
版本 1.1
推特 (Twitter 的台灣譯法) 和 facebook 的 status line 給我的啓示,是這樣的。原來人與人之間關係的建立,其中一個重要的元素,是一些看似微不足道的生活小事。
以前,要認真深入的交朋友,大概必須要生活在同時同地,或至少也要定期出席聚會。推特和 facebook 的 status line , 現在在這條把人際交流由 transmission of atoms 轉化到 transmission of bits 的道路上 (Nicholas Negroponte 語) ,又跨進了一大步。
完完全全的 Tele-presence,看來日子也不遠了。
(我的推特在 http://twitter.com/leeyuiwah )
按:本文是看了莫乃光兄的 "Twitter豈止於社交網絡" 後得靈感而寫的
以前,要認真深入的交朋友,大概必須要生活在同時同地,或至少也要定期出席聚會。推特和 facebook 的 status line , 現在在這條把人際交流由 transmission of atoms 轉化到 transmission of bits 的道路上 (Nicholas Negroponte 語) ,又跨進了一大步。
完完全全的 Tele-presence,看來日子也不遠了。
(我的推特在 http://twitter.com/leeyuiwah )
按:本文是看了莫乃光兄的 "Twitter豈止於社交網絡" 後得靈感而寫的
特區政府的政治風暴一件接一件:副局長政治助理風波 、 外傭稅 、 生果金 、 迷你債券、港客滯留泰國事件等等。曾班子三月才派糖五百億,撈得了一點點的政治本錢,但現在這本錢已經有如泥牛入海,不見踪影。很多評論說,特區政府官員無能。問題真的是如此簡單嗎﹖ 走了一個董建華,換來一個曾蔭權,政府的威信郤並無起色。管理一個城市,為甚麽這麼難?
其難處,在於香港有一個畸形的假民主政治制度。在香港,除了極少數既得利益者之外,大部份人只能論政, 不能執政。 民選議員們即使能夠被選入立法會, 在功能組別和分組投票這兩大金剛箍之下, 他們實際上也不能對行政機關施政有真正的影響力,也沒有有效的﹑理性的機制去發揮制衡的作用。
在這一種背景下, 參政的人發現, 他們不能辦實事, 只能開口罵政府。 他們發現, 做事雖然有心無力, 但講話可以天下無敵!
在 2003年, 市民發現, 他們不能投票趕走他們不喜歡的特首和廿三條法案, 只能上街吐烏氣。 結果,有五十萬人這樣做了。
久而久之, 政客名嘴罵人言辭愈苛刻、 愈激進, 便愈受歡迎。 從九十年代初期開始, 先後造就了黃毓民的「癲狗」、 鄭經翰的「十點前特首」等名嘴。 其後有人使各種橫手令他們收聲了。 但縱使當時他們封咪了, 在基本矛盾並未消除的情況下, 他們的精神在香港長存! 到了今年2008 年 9 月的立法會選舉,走激進路線的社民連三子,更加以高票當選。
香港很多市民平日私下謙厚仁愛, 但一討論到公眾事務, 就劍拔弩張青筋現。 人人都彷彿滿肚怨氣。 在公共討論中, 香港人的文化是: 逢高官皆狗官, 凡政策皆陰謀。 逢有災害, 必是人禍。 香港人認為,問責制就是凡事必要有人被罵個狗血淋頭。 結果, 政府施政動輒得咎,處處捱打。
這種苛責文化, 已經刻入了我們的 DNA 中。 也從政治議題蔓延到其他公共空間的話題, 如沙士事件。苛責的對象, 也由高官政要蔓延到其他公眾人物身上, 如 2008 年 2 月藝人裸照案的幾位受害人。
這之後的連串政治風暴,就更加不在話下了。每一次, 政客名嘴苛責政府, 絶不「嘴軟」 。 現在甚至連行政會議成員也加入評擊政府。 香港人不是沒有溫文爾雅、 寬容克己的冷靜分析, 但他們都已經被淹沒在其他聲大夾惡的評論中。 他們被時代的洪流淘汰了。
要把香港從這個巨大的壓力鍋中釋放出來, 要讓民間的各種怨氣有正常渠道釋放、 消解, 只有一個方向。 就是開放實踐參政的渠道, 讓有著各種不同利益和價值觀的人們或他們的政治代表, 通過投票或執政來表達並實踐他們的施政理念, 而不只是太聲吵鬧訴不滿。
香港人有一句話:「你講得咁叻, 你o黎做o剌!」 正是這個意思。 實踐, 除了是檢驗真理的唯一標準, 也是疏道苛責文化的一個良方。
可惜, 我們還要等。 在 2020年前, 我們仍要活在這個壓力鍋之中。 四十年前的 60 年代, 高壓的港英殖民統治, 要通過一場血腥的左派暴動才能糾正。 今日的香港, 不知還要付出多大的社會代價, 經歷多少的大小風波, 才能捱到 2020 年?
—— 完 ——
(本文部份段落曾發表於 http://leeyuiwah.blogspot.com/2008/04/blog-post.html )
其難處,在於香港有一個畸形的假民主政治制度。在香港,除了極少數既得利益者之外,大部份人只能論政, 不能執政。 民選議員們即使能夠被選入立法會, 在功能組別和分組投票這兩大金剛箍之下, 他們實際上也不能對行政機關施政有真正的影響力,也沒有有效的﹑理性的機制去發揮制衡的作用。
在這一種背景下, 參政的人發現, 他們不能辦實事, 只能開口罵政府。 他們發現, 做事雖然有心無力, 但講話可以天下無敵!
在 2003年, 市民發現, 他們不能投票趕走他們不喜歡的特首和廿三條法案, 只能上街吐烏氣。 結果,有五十萬人這樣做了。
久而久之, 政客名嘴罵人言辭愈苛刻、 愈激進, 便愈受歡迎。 從九十年代初期開始, 先後造就了黃毓民的「癲狗」、 鄭經翰的「十點前特首」等名嘴。 其後有人使各種橫手令他們收聲了。 但縱使當時他們封咪了, 在基本矛盾並未消除的情況下, 他們的精神在香港長存! 到了今年2008 年 9 月的立法會選舉,走激進路線的社民連三子,更加以高票當選。
香港很多市民平日私下謙厚仁愛, 但一討論到公眾事務, 就劍拔弩張青筋現。 人人都彷彿滿肚怨氣。 在公共討論中, 香港人的文化是: 逢高官皆狗官, 凡政策皆陰謀。 逢有災害, 必是人禍。 香港人認為,問責制就是凡事必要有人被罵個狗血淋頭。 結果, 政府施政動輒得咎,處處捱打。
這種苛責文化, 已經刻入了我們的 DNA 中。 也從政治議題蔓延到其他公共空間的話題, 如沙士事件。苛責的對象, 也由高官政要蔓延到其他公眾人物身上, 如 2008 年 2 月藝人裸照案的幾位受害人。
這之後的連串政治風暴,就更加不在話下了。每一次, 政客名嘴苛責政府, 絶不「嘴軟」 。 現在甚至連行政會議成員也加入評擊政府。 香港人不是沒有溫文爾雅、 寬容克己的冷靜分析, 但他們都已經被淹沒在其他聲大夾惡的評論中。 他們被時代的洪流淘汰了。
要把香港從這個巨大的壓力鍋中釋放出來, 要讓民間的各種怨氣有正常渠道釋放、 消解, 只有一個方向。 就是開放實踐參政的渠道, 讓有著各種不同利益和價值觀的人們或他們的政治代表, 通過投票或執政來表達並實踐他們的施政理念, 而不只是太聲吵鬧訴不滿。
香港人有一句話:「你講得咁叻, 你o黎做o剌!」 正是這個意思。 實踐, 除了是檢驗真理的唯一標準, 也是疏道苛責文化的一個良方。
可惜, 我們還要等。 在 2020年前, 我們仍要活在這個壓力鍋之中。 四十年前的 60 年代, 高壓的港英殖民統治, 要通過一場血腥的左派暴動才能糾正。 今日的香港, 不知還要付出多大的社會代價, 經歷多少的大小風波, 才能捱到 2020 年?
—— 完 ——
(本文部份段落曾發表於 http://leeyuiwah.blogspot.com/2008/04/blog-post.html )
三次背信、 政府如何取信於民﹖
( 註:本文曾於《香港經濟日報》上發表 ( 2008 年 12 月 4 日 ),編輯定題為《三延港台諮詢 政府失信於民》。本網上版與《香港經濟日報》上的印刷版略有出入。)
二零零七年, 曾蔭權競選連任特區行政首長一職, 抛出了一句非常漂亮的競選口號「我會做好呢份工!」
怎樣才算做好一份工? 這可以有千種萬種的解說。 但是, 香港的政壇左中右, 官商民, 相信不會爭議,都能同意「言而有信」當是其中一個必需條件。 二戰時盟軍統帥, 後任美國總統的艾森豪威爾, 就曾說過 “The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.”
且看曾班子在廣大市民都關心的香港公共廣播檢討一事上, 是怎樣的言而無信。
2007 年3月, 特首委任的香港公共廣播服務檢討委員會, 發表了「圖窮匕現,明露殺機」(關閉香港電台) 的報告書, 公眾嘩然, 反彈極大。 兩個月後, 時任工商及科技局常任秘書長的何宣威在立法會會議上表示, 政府會於去年 (2007) 下半年推出諮詢文件, 再就委員會的建議諮詢公眾。 結果, 市民等了九個月而不果, 是為政府失信之一。
2008 年初, 官員又向傳媒放風謂, 文件要延至 2008 年1 月29 日才能出台。 怎料當文件快要出台之際, 曾蔭權又突然在1 月17 日的立法會答問大會上, 正式宣布押後此事。 曾蔭權還說風涼話, 說「根本無人急, 只是政府自己在急」。 他大概是學了美國的小布殊總統,自絶於人世真象, 而忘記了香港的公共廣播服務檢討一直是市民﹑ 傳媒﹑ 和國際間關心新聞自由和人權的民間組織在密切關注的社會大事。 此為政府失信之二。
為安民心, 其後政府官員私下放出信號——諮詢文件會在 2008年底前出台。 還拋出了理由, 謂由於9 月立法會選舉臨近,諮詢工作要延後展開云云。 但如今 (2008)選舉已過, 年底將近, 負責此事的商務及經濟發展局常任秘書長栢志高郤於 11 月 26 日明言,此事很複雜, 涉及很多問題, 故此沒有時間表。 市民又白等了 11 個月。 此為政府失信之三。
小學生可能都會學過秦朝「商鞅立木﹑ 取信于民」的歷史故事; 中學生大概也會聽過孔子曰:「自古皆有死, 民無信不立」。 曾特首是不是在職場打滾得太久了, 以至連這點簡單的道理也忘記了?
二零零七年, 曾蔭權競選連任特區行政首長一職, 抛出了一句非常漂亮的競選口號「我會做好呢份工!」
怎樣才算做好一份工? 這可以有千種萬種的解說。 但是, 香港的政壇左中右, 官商民, 相信不會爭議,都能同意「言而有信」當是其中一個必需條件。 二戰時盟軍統帥, 後任美國總統的艾森豪威爾, 就曾說過 “The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.”
且看曾班子在廣大市民都關心的香港公共廣播檢討一事上, 是怎樣的言而無信。
2007 年3月, 特首委任的香港公共廣播服務檢討委員會, 發表了「圖窮匕現,明露殺機」(關閉香港電台) 的報告書, 公眾嘩然, 反彈極大。 兩個月後, 時任工商及科技局常任秘書長的何宣威在立法會會議上表示, 政府會於去年 (2007) 下半年推出諮詢文件, 再就委員會的建議諮詢公眾。 結果, 市民等了九個月而不果, 是為政府失信之一。
2008 年初, 官員又向傳媒放風謂, 文件要延至 2008 年1 月29 日才能出台。 怎料當文件快要出台之際, 曾蔭權又突然在1 月17 日的立法會答問大會上, 正式宣布押後此事。 曾蔭權還說風涼話, 說「根本無人急, 只是政府自己在急」。 他大概是學了美國的小布殊總統,自絶於人世真象, 而忘記了香港的公共廣播服務檢討一直是市民﹑ 傳媒﹑ 和國際間關心新聞自由和人權的民間組織在密切關注的社會大事。 此為政府失信之二。
為安民心, 其後政府官員私下放出信號——諮詢文件會在 2008年底前出台。 還拋出了理由, 謂由於9 月立法會選舉臨近,諮詢工作要延後展開云云。 但如今 (2008)選舉已過, 年底將近, 負責此事的商務及經濟發展局常任秘書長栢志高郤於 11 月 26 日明言,此事很複雜, 涉及很多問題, 故此沒有時間表。 市民又白等了 11 個月。 此為政府失信之三。
小學生可能都會學過秦朝「商鞅立木﹑ 取信于民」的歷史故事; 中學生大概也會聽過孔子曰:「自古皆有死, 民無信不立」。 曾特首是不是在職場打滾得太久了, 以至連這點簡單的道理也忘記了?
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