[An English version follows. ]
既然如此,何不釜底抽薪?因此小苐成立了一個 facebook 群組,倡議大家表明,如囍宴菜單上有魚翅這道菜,我們會把「人情」打七折,餘款捐給環保團體。
facebook 專頁 (開放加入)facebook 群組 B (停止新會員加入)facebook 群組 A (停止新會員加入)網上聯署(開放)只要多人嚮應,慢慢地必會把舊思想改變過來,使人們明白:
(按:頁首的照片請見香港《蘋果日報》2010 年 3 月 6 日報導《小鯨鯊慘被生劏魚鰭 菲島潛水睹悲劇 浸大女助理教授落淚》。見者心酸。)
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English Version
Cut Gift Money for Shark Fin BanquetAs banquet goers, traditionally we could not affect the hosts on their menu choices -- even if they decided to serve shark fin soup, which has dire environmental consequences for the sharks and ourselves.
At the same time, we all understand we the banquet goers are the true financiers of the banquets -- we pay for our own meals in the name of "gift money" in the red envelops.
As such, if we concern about our environment, why don't we just "follow the money" and make a change at the source ?! I suggest that we pledge to cut our gift money -- by 30% -- if we know in advance that shark fin soup will be served in the banquets. We will also pledge to donate the balance to organizations that are promoting the well being of our environment.
Facebook Community Page (Open) Facebook Group B (Stop adding)Facebook Group A (Stop adding)Online Petition (Open)I believe if there are more people making the same pledge, we can signal our distaste of shark fin soup to all the banquet organizers, and slowly we will turn the tide on the problem of excessive shark finning.
Let's work together -- for ourselves and for our future generations. Together Yes We Can !
Please invite your friends to participate.
(Note: the picture was from a news report from Apple Daily of Mar 6, 2010 . It serves as a testament on the barbaric side of the shark finning industry.)
-- The End --
採訪聯絡 (美國東岸)1-908-463-9015
Media Contact:(US Eastern)1-908-463-9015
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滾動式報告 Running Updates有關的傳媒報導與評論 (順時序排列): Media Coverage and Comments (chronological order)蘋果日報頭條 (2010-04-06) PDF 檔案:
頂頁頭條:拯救鯊魚 網民起義--抵制婚宴食翅人情做七折二條:改變傳統--「嚟飲唔係為咗碗翅」相關:港人是鯊魚頭號殺手香港電台:千禧年代 (2010-04-06)
論題三: 群組倡"魚翅婚宴。人情七折" (約於節目 00:40:00-01:00:00)The Standard (2010-04-07)
Shark's fin campaign hits newlyweds where it hurtsCNN Go (2010-04-07)
Very hot Facebook group: 'Cut gift money for shark fin banquets'(UK) The Independent (2010-04-08) "Hong Kong gets behind shark fin Facebook campaign":
link蘋果日報 (2010-04-08) PDF 檔案:
花膠燕窩代替,大方得體又保育, 80 後新人響應無翅酒席881903.com: 親切的金子 (2010-04-08):
魚翅婚宴。人情做足RTHK's The Pulse (TV program) (2010-04-09)
Against Shark Finning蘋果日報專欄 (2010-04-10)
林夕:魚翅的祝福 (PDF 檔案)香港電台:頭條新聞(電視節目) (2010-04-10):
唯獨你是不可取替? (接:於檔案中約 04:08 開始) 香港電台:全民格價(2010-04-12):
綠色消費:魚翅婚宴、新郎哥 Kenny、 WWF 潘婉堯都市日報: (2010-04-14):
余若薇 綠色公民 婚宴,七折人情健康生活台(香港有線電視 27 台) (2010-04-14):今日:魚翅婚宴。人情七折
CSR Asia (2010-04-14):
No shark fin soup in the menu please!Green Radio 青台:動物無家處處家 (2010-04-15):
魚翅婚宴。人情七折HK Magazine (2010-04-16):
Feature: Clement Lee明報 (2010-04-18):
張堅庭:星級爸爸﹕唔該,我要碗仿翅無線電視翡翠台 2010-04-18 晚間新聞 (6:30 pm and 11:30 pm)
食魚翅會吸收大量重金屬 (Youtube 重温)蘋果日報 (2010-04-22) 魚翅商登廣告反擊罷吃行動
團體斥短視 促市民改食環保海鮮:
蘋果網站 |
PDF 檔案香港電台:「自由風自由 Phone 」 (2010-04-23):
話題三:魚翅行商會登廣告反擊罷吃行動 東方日報 (2010-04-27):口下留情
網站 |
圖像 (JPG)東方日報 ON.TV(2010-04-28):
馬恩賜、文達華、鄧達智、潘婉堯:禁吃魚翅蘋果日報 (2010-05-03):「不要魚翅」擴展至學校餐宴:
網站 |
PDF都市日報 (2010-05-03) : 無翅母親節:
網站明報 (2010-05-06):12食肆推無翅宴菜式 每席捐100元保育鯊魚:
連結香港寛頻 (2010-05-07) :酒褸無翅宴 響應減捕鯊:
視頻星島日報:副刊 (2010-05-13):護鯊逼切 —— 勿當「翅」客:
連結鳳凰衛視 (2010-05-15):鯊魚遭殘殺,港人網上發起護鯊行動:
視頻蘋果日報 (2010-05-31):新世代反傳統 食魚翅變老套:
蘋果網頁 |
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