[An English version is listed at the end]
第一回: 抗議
香港 Citibank 信用咭 2010 年 07 月 10 日於南華早報刋登廣告(
注一),以美心集團旗下酒樓的魚翅套餐推廣使用 Citibank 信用咭。
注二 ),已經不再是有責任的機關應所為(
Citigroup 曾公開作出以下聲明:「At Citi, we believe that working to promote environmental and social sustainability is good business practice。」我們認為該項美心魚翅餐推廣活動與以上述的立場明顯相悖,要求香港 Citibank 撤回有關推廣活動,同時也應響應世界自然基金會香港分會的呼籲(
我們希望香港 Citibank 能在一個月內對公眾就這件事有一個明確的交待,否則我們會考慮取消手上的(或不申請)Citibank 信用咭,以示抗議。
Facebook 専頁:
第二回: Citibank 回應
Citibank HK 星期一 (2010-07-19) 在其網頁上表示已經取消有關的魚翅推廣活動(Note 5)! 但有網民亦然不滿在星加坡仍然可以看到相關的推廣活動,真至星期四 (2010-07-22), Citibank Asia Pacific 補發聲明,表示也會亞太區其他地方的魚翅推廣活動也都取消 (Note 6)。 2010-08-03 在南華早報上的讀者來信中,Citigroup 的發言人重申了上述的立場。 (注七)
Citibank HK 從善如流,值得欣賞。
第三回: 媒體報導
美國紐約時報博文 (2010-07-21): A Shark Fin Promotion Backfires
http://bit.ly/9skzkp英國金融時報博文 (2010-07-22): Citi learns the hard way: don't mess with sharks
http://bit.ly/daoXHGChange.org (2010-07-23): Victory: Citibank Stops Offering Discounts on Shark Meat
http://bit.ly/9KtegxExaminer (2010-07-23): Citibank Promotes the Consumption of Shark Fin Soup:
採訪聯絡 (美國東岸)1-908-463-9015
http://bit.ly/bdWWlR注二:39 秒鐘;一條問題
http://bit.ly/bPTwQyNote 5: Announcement from Citibank
HK http://bit.ly/dy5DVBNote 6: Announcement from Citibank Asia Pacific
http://bit.ly/cQV8bX注七:Shark fin ads now scrapped, (Letters to the Editor, SCMP, 2010-08-03)
English version
Chapter 1: Protest
Citibank HK made an ad on the South China Morning Post on July 10th, 2010 (
Note 1), promoting the use of Citibank Credit Card through some tie-in with Maxim's Chinese Cuisine's shark-fin soup set meals.
Serving shark fin soup would endanger many shark species and encourage the cruel practice of shark finning (the cutting off of fins alive from a shark, and letting it die a slow and horrible death in the sea, see
Note 2). It is no longer considered appropriate for a socially responsible organization (
Note 3).
Citigroup has stated publicly that "At Citi, we believe that working to promote environmental and social sustainability is good business practice" The said promotion activity obviously contradicts Citigroup's stated position. We demand that Citibank HK should stop the promotion, and should also join with other companies, in the pledge organized by WWF-HK, to say No to shark-fin soup (
Note 4).
We hope to see a public response from Citibank about this matter, otherwise we may consider cutting our own Citibank Credit Card (or pledge to not applying for it) in protest.
Facebook Page:
http://bit.ly/cAlhqiChapter 2: Citibank's Response
On Monday (2010-07-19) Citibank HK posted an announcement on their website saying that the shark-fin promotion has been canceled (Note 5). However, it was found that information about some other shark-fin promotion activities in Singapore could still be found on the web. Netizen were not happy and shifted their focus on Citibank Singapore. Finally on Thursday (2010-07-22), Citibank Asia Pacific also announced that they will "stop (all shark-fin related promotions) in all its markets in Asia Pacific with immediate effect" (Note 6). A Citigroup spokesman reiterated the above position in a letter to the editor in SCMP on 2010-08-03 (Note 7)
It is commendable that they took this remedial action promptly.
I hope this little incident can raise awareness among the public and corporations about the importance of shark preservation. Thanks everyone for voicing out your support!
Chapter 3: Media picked up the story
- US: New York Times Blogs (2010-07-21): A Shark Fin Promotion Backfires
http://bit.ly/9skzkp- UK: Financial Times Blogs (2010-07-22): Citi learns the hard way: don't mess with sharks
http://bit.ly/daoXHG - Change.org (2010-07-23): Victory: Citibank Stops Offering Discounts on Shark Meat
http://bit.ly/9Ktegx- Examiner (2010-07-23): Citibank Promotes the Consumption of Shark Fin Soup:
Media Contact:(US Eastern)1-908-463-9015
Note 1: The Ad in SCMP:
http://bit.ly/bdWWlRNote 2: 39 seconds; one question:
http://bit.ly/cP44SRNote 3: Business Shark-Fin Banquet Reporting Site:
http://bit.ly/cdPlRRNote 4: WWF-HK: Companies Say No to Shark Fin
http://bit.ly/aQj9ioNote 5: Announcement from Citibank
HK http://bit.ly/dy5DVBNote 6: Announcement from Citibank Asia Pacific
http://bit.ly/cQV8bXNote 7: Shark fin ads now scrapped, (Letters to the Editor, SCMP, 2010-08-03)
http://bit.ly/b18NCC-- The End --